Modesto Truck Accident Lawyer

If you were recently in a collision with a large commercial vehicle, your life has most likely changed, at least temporarily, in many different ways. Physically, you might be facing a long recuperation. You might have significant injuries that could require surgeries, extended hospital stays, follow-up doctor’s visits, physical therapy, and rehabilitation. Emotionally, you might be having a hard time trying to cope with your changed circumstances and face unrelenting depression or anxiety. Financially, your family might have many unpaid expenses, such as medical bills. If your injuries require you to take time away from work, you might have no way to pay those bills.

Fortunately, a dedicated Modesto truck accident lawyer might have a legal solution that could help your family. They can meet with you to discuss your situation and see if filing a personal injury suit is a viable option. If you are unable to come to the office, our legal team can arrange transportation or come to you. Call today to speak with a trusted personal injury attorney.

Common Causes of Modesto Truck Crashes

Accidents involving tractor-trailers are always always severe. Sadly, many of these crashes are preventable and only occur because truck drivers, trucking companies, and vehicle manufacturers are more interested in finding ways to cut corners to meet deadlines and make profits, than they are in adhering to responsible driving and operating practices.

Some of the most common reasons that commercial vehicles get into wrecks include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Fatigued driving
  • Tailgating
  • Impaired driving due to drugs or alcohol
  • Brake failure or other defective trucking equipment
  • Imbalanced, leaking, spilling, or improperly loaded cargo
  • Inexperienced driving due to lack of training
  • Reckless driving, such as speeding, unsafe lane changes, and illegal passing
  • Lack of maintenance of the truck

A determined local attorney from Modesto can perform a detailed investigation of the truck wreck to learn what went wrong and led to the accident. They could search for evidence and comb through the police report, medical records, traffic and surveillance camera footage, and eyewitness accounts. They could also speak with people familiar with the trucking company’s operating procedures and hiring practices and review the driver’s logs to learn about how the trucking company operated. If a mechanical problem contributed to the crash, our legal team could skillfully review all complex manufacturing and maintenance records to get a full understanding of where the problem occurred.

Potential Defendants in a Truck Wreck Claim

After determining the cause of the Modesto trucking collision, our seasoned attorneys can use the evidence to identify the potentially responsible parties and begin building strong claims for compensation.

Truck Driver

If the truck driver’s negligent or reckless driving contributed to the crash, they could be personally responsible for any resulting injuries or fatalities. However, their personal insurance coverage might not be sufficient to cover the cost of all of the resulting losses.

Trucking Company

The trucking company could be held vicariously responsible for the negligent driver’s mistakes. The trucking company could also be responsible for having negligent operating policies and hiring practices, for not training their new drivers, or for failing to maintain their vehicles.

Truck Manufacturers

A vehicle manufacturer could be responsible for producing and selling a vehicle with inherently defective parts.

Loading Company

If a third party loaded the cargo onto the truck improperly, that company could be held liable for an accident resulting from unsecured or imbalanced freight.

Trying to determine who is at fault can be challenging, which is why working with an experienced and knowledgeable legal team is critical.

Work With a Modesto Truck Accident Attorney

Trucking accidents can have devastating consequences. You need help.

Work with a skilled Modesto truck accident lawyer. Our dedicated local attorneys are here to do the best we can to help you. They care about getting you the help you need. While you focus on healing from your physical and emotional wounds, our qualified legal team will aggressively fight for you. We are not afraid to take your case to court. You only need to pay if the case wins, so call today.